Ink Blotters

Back in the days when everyone used quill pens and fountain pens the one thing that could be found on every office or writing desk was an ink blotter. Ink blotters were usually made of a soft absor...

Ink Trivia

Red ink Certain images instantly conjure up this bold color: fire engines, flames, roses, rouges, rubies, rust, tomatoes, blood and valentines. Red pens have traditionally been used by teachers...

Message in a Bottle:Water-proof Ink

A Message in a Bottle is a form of communication whereby a message is sealed in a container (archetypically a glass bottle, but could be any medium, as long as it floats and remains wat...

Fountain Pen Ink Trivia

Fountain pen ink is a water-based ink intended for use with fountain pens.Because fountain pens operate on the principle of capillary action, ink for them is almost exclusively dye-based. Pigment i...

Ink Trivia : What type of ink colors flow the best and is trouble-free and are less likely to dry-out?

What type of ink colors flow the best and is trouble-free and are less likely to dry-out? Answer: Pigment inks such as royal blue, turquoise, red, green and brown are trouble-free inks.Important Ti...

Ink Trivia : How many years ago was the first successful recipe for writing ink created?

Ink Trivia For years people had been carving into clay, stone, or wood to write a record of their life and experiences. But when ink and paper came, it revolutionized writing for all time. They ar...

Ink Trivia

Ink Trivia The ink cartridge for fountain pens was introduced around 1950. It was a disposable, pre-filled plastic or glass cartridge designed for clean & easy insertion. They were an immed...