Writer Quotes

“In composing, as a general rule, run your pen through every other word you have written; you have no idea what vigor it will give your style.” - Sydney Smith“I love writing. I love the swirl and s...

Writing Corner

Far Eastern calligraphy is an art within art, a way of life, and a path to immortality. Just like love fills the heart, calligraphy fills our souls, nourishing a new sense of life born out of selfl...

Writing Corner - Wild Bill Hickok Last Letter to his Wife

Wild Bill Hickok Last Letter to his Wife One of the beauties of a hand written letter is that they can live on long after the writer is gone. Be the reason sentimental or historical, reading ...

Inspiring the young to write

In order to keep the art of writing, and writing in cursive penmanship, alive sometimes we all need a little inspiration. It is important to inspire our young ones to keep both arts alive. Here are...

Penmanship Corner

Writing is a codified system of standard symbols: the repetition of agreed-upon simple shapes to represent ideas. Recognizable systems of writing developed in 3 major cultures within 1200 years of ...

History of the Hand Written Letter

According to the testimony of ancient historians, the first recorded hand written letter (epistle) was by Persian Queen Atossa, around 500 BC. The leaves of plants and the bark of trees advanced ...

Pen Trivia - Contracts and Signing on the Dotted Line

Contracts have always required a signature to become legally binding. Typically, contracts are oral or written, but written contracts have typically been preferred in common law systems. Hand writ...

Celebrating Pencil Day..

Pencil is the basic stationery that everyone has. For a writing instrument with a history that dates back to the time of human civilization, it still remains as humble as it used to be and does its...

Wedding Invitations Calligraphy

From your invitation envelopes to your favor tags, handwritten calligraphy will give your wedding paper a luxurious, elegant look.Calligraphy for wedding invitations has been used and adored throug...