Fountain Pen Day 2020 Handwriting Competition

Fountain Pen Day 2020 Handwriting Competition


Fountain Pen Day 2020 Handwriting Competition   

Did you grow up in schools with draconian penmanship standards? Did you spend hours getting your cursive just right? Have you ever been complimented on your print? Now is your time to shine. To celebrate Fountain Pen Day on November 6th, Pen Boutique is holding a handwriting competition! If you think you have good handwriting, get out your favorite fountain pen and submit a handwriting sample. We'll have prizes for best cursive, best print, best under 15, and best in show. Submissions are open until November 6th, so enter as soon as possible and show us what you can do!  ( Also do not worry every entry will be enrolled into a raffle giveaway. Participate and let us all rejoice 

Each participant can make one entry for print and one entry for cursive. To enter, send us a handwriting sample with a 50-100 word passage of your choice, and the pen and ink you used. We'll be accepting submissions via DMs, tagged posts on Instagram ( tag us penboutiqueltd) , facebook ( tag us penboutique) , or send us an email 

*International submissions are encouraged.  You just have to pay shipping when you win.


Example submissions

The categories are as follows:
Best In Show (Prize: Graf Von Faber-Castell Blue Fountain Pen (worth $350!))
    This is for the best overall submission across the cursive and print categories. Whichever entry stands out the most as exemplary penmanship, either cursive or print, will be our Best In Show winner. The runner up in whichever category the Best In Show winner comes from will be considered the winner for that category.
Best Cursive (Prize: Diplomat Aero Fountain pen (worth $195))
    This category is for the best overall cursive handwriting. We'll be judging entries based on general aesthetic appeal, consistency of forms, and flow between letters. You can use any system of cursive handwriting (Spencerian, Palmer's, etc.).
Best Print (Prize: TWSBI Vac 700  IRIS fountain pen ( new release!))
    This category is for the best overall print handwriting. We'll be judging entries based on general aesthetic appeal, consistency of forms, uniqueness, and legibility. 
Best 15 And Under (Prizes: 10 Platinum Prefounte fountain pens) 
    This category will be accepting both print and cursive submissions, and will have 10 winners, each of whom will receive a prize. Entries will be judged based on the criteria for the relevant category described above. When making a submission for the  Age 15 and Under category, be sure to mention that the participant is 15 or younger so we know to consider them for this category.
Good luck and Happy Fountain Pen Day!




This is exciting! When will the winners be announced?

This is exciting! When will the winners be announced?

Heather Cyyre

Heather Cyyre

What a fun competition for Fountain Pen Day! Thank you all for this opportunity to have fun and celebrate the day with other fountain pen enthusiasts!!

What a fun competition for Fountain Pen Day! Thank you all for this opportunity to have fun and celebrate the day with other fountain pen enthusiasts!!

Ashik Kapasi

Ashik Kapasi

Enter the competition

Enter the competition

Christine Walevska

Christine Walevska

Where can I buy a fountain pen in NYC to be able to submit my sample for this contest?
Thank you

Where can I buy a fountain pen in NYC to be able to submit my sample for this contest?
Thank you

Rona SIegel

Rona SIegel

Can I just email my samples ? I don’t do Facebook or instagram. Thanks

Can I just email my samples ? I don’t do Facebook or instagram. Thanks

Mike czaplicki

Mike czaplicki

I like this a lot!!! I’m a little rusty, but you don’t win if you dont enter.. I look forward to seeing all the entries.

I like this a lot!!! I’m a little rusty, but you don’t win if you dont enter.. I look forward to seeing all the entries.

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