Wedding Invitations Calligraphy

From your invitation envelopes to your favor tags, handwritten calligraphy will give your wedding paper a luxurious, elegant look.Calligraphy for wedding invitations has been used and adored throug...

Monks Contributions to Calligraphy

Medieval monasteries were the refuges for book copying during the Middle Ages. The burning of the library at Alexandria in the 5th century had been a terrible blow to humanity. Countless scrolls co...

Pen Trivia - Left Handed Writers and Nibs

Bias against left-handed people is discrimination, conscious or not, against people who are left-handed dominant. Approximately 10% of the world's population is left-handed. Yet many common tools a...

Thank You Notes and Quotes

Everyone appreciates a thoughtful thank you note. "Thank you" is a common expression of gratitude. It often refers to a thank you letter, a letter written to express appreciation. The best thank...

Cursive Corner

Penmanship is the technique of writing with the hand using a writing instrument. The various generic and formal historical styles of writing are called "hands" whilst an individual's style of pen...

Pen Trivia : Match the song titles with the artist...

Writing letters has long been a popular theme in popular culture songs. Revealing your heart always seems a bit easier when penning your feelings. Let’s see how closely you have been listening a...

Ink Trivia : How many years ago was the first successful recipe for writing ink created?

Ink Trivia For years people had been carving into clay, stone, or wood to write a record of their life and experiences. But when ink and paper came, it revolutionized writing for all time. They ar...

History of Collecting Autographs

The joy of collecting autographs on signed letters, books, memorabilia and good old fashioned autograph books has long been satisfying hobby for the serious and novice alike. In this fast-paced wor...

Letter Writing Quotes

Never write a letter while you are angry. ~Chinese ProverbThen there's the joy of getting your desk clean, and knowing that all your letters are answered, and you can see the wood on it again. ~L...